"It is not possible to do this operation if a Max object is being created..." error
A network license can be borrowed from any location.(you can borrow it from the license server to your laptop). Just
When Forest uses a Surface is a scattering area, it extracts a "virtual" spline from closed edges of the mesh, and
In case you have problems with the License Server, please use the following procedure to enable the debug mode, and send
I got a crash in Max, and your support team requests me the minidump file. How can I get it ?
Why does Forest modify the material IDs of the geometry ?
I adjust the density on my grass scene using Distribution parameters, but the items look too sparse, even using high
Occasionally ForestPack or RailClone releases require a license upgrade. This is because each license has a defined
In this article we explain the steps that you must follow to upload files to WeTransfer. This is very useful when you
I would like to improve my viewport performance, when using complex scene with Multiple Forest objects. Is it possible ?
Internally all Forest objects are converted to native instances of V-Ray, so there is no performance loss using meshes
Why is Edge mode only supported in certain render engines?
ForestPack includes native geometric shaders for the renderers listed below, making it possible to render scenes with
It depends on the renderer. These are some tips:
What is the best way to create an excluding area for the grass, around the trees ?