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Randomize Properties



Returns a random Segment from the list of inputs. Each segment has a presence value that determines the probability of it being selected. These values are normalised so there is no need to ensure they add up to 100%

Random selection from 4 segmentsRandom selection from 4 segments


  1. Connect a number of segments to the input slots of a Randomize node.

  2. Set the presence of each segment to control probability. If you would like an equal chance of each segment being selected, leave the values at their default 100%.

  3. This example will randomly select between the 3 attached segments with the Middle segment having a 35% chance of being selected.



Presence (%). normalised value that determines the probability of an individual segment being selected

Custom Seed. if enabled, uses the seed value specified. If disabled using the global seed value defined in the General rollout.

Generate On. The condition in which a new random value will be generated. Choices are:

  • Start. Generates a new random segment once for each instance of the RailClone object.
  • Segment. Generates a new random segment for each individual segment.
  • X Spline Start. Generates a new random segment for each spline sub-object found in the X Spline input of the Generator.
  • X Spline Section. Generates a new random segment for each spline segment. For the purposes of this calculation a segment is the section of spline between two Corners or Evenly segments.
  • Array Y Row. Generates a random segment at the start of each new Row. Only works in conjunction with the 2D arrays - Generator A2S
  • Generator. Generates a new random segment per generator. Particularly useful for nesting arrays.

Sync Between. Allows you to synchronise randomised objects based on several objects.

  • X Splines. Syncs random segments between spline sub-objects.

  • X Sections. Syncs random segments between spline segment. For the purposes of this calculation a segment is the section of spline between two Corners or Evenly segments.

  • Array Rows. Syncs random segments between rows in an A2S array.

  • Generator. Syncs random segments between multiple generators.

    With/Without Sync Between X SplinesWith/Without Sync Between X Splines