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V-Ray rendering tips

Below are some tips, tricks, and recommendations for using RailClone with V-Ray

Debug mode

RailClone offers some unique features when using this render engine:

  • Improved performance and reduced memory footprint for very large objects, generating the geometry dynamically inside the camera frustrum.
  • We have included a debug mode, to identify visually from the render what segments are instanced. How to use it:
    1. Go to Display>Debug Mode and turn on Show Up Instances
    2. The default material ID is set to 100, leave this as it is or if you prefer, set to another number.
    3. Apply a multi-sub material that includes a material set to the ID specified in the previous step.
    4. All instanced geometry will be allocated the ID specified above and will render with the associated material. [^label]

Instanced segments are shown in blue colorInstanced segments are shown in blue color