Next steps
Congratulations! You've reached the end of Next Steps with RailClone. If you followed this guide and completed the exercises then you've covered nearly all of RailClone's features. You should now have a good understanding of the principles that underpin RailClone's approach to procedural modelling and be able to use them in production.
To continue to get the most out of RailClone, we have a number of additional resources to help you develop your skills further.
We release regular tutorials that range from explanations of basic concepts, to advanced topics and demos of possible applications for RailClone. We've suggested relevant tutorials throughout the guide but to see the full list, check out the tutorials page. Come back regularly, we're adding new content all the time!
Join us in the Forum where you'll find a wealth of information and real-world uses for RailClone. We regularly respond to user's questions here and there is a huge amount of information that can be learned from these case studies. Many of the posts also include scene files that you can download to pick up new tricks.
For a thorough explanation of all of RailClone's features, including procedures for many common operations, take a look at the Documentation .
Get inspiration from some of the excellent work submitted to our gallery, and if you create an outstanding image or animation with RailClone (or ForestPack) we'd love to see it. We're always on the lookout for high quality material to feature on our gallery and social media, so if you have work you think meets the brief, please send your renders to contact form (login first), or upload them to our forum. We'll share them on our networks with full credit and links to your website.
We hope you enjoy using RailClone and wish you the very best with your work. If you have any feedback, queries or suggestions please let us know .