How do I know the status of my order?
How do I know the status of my order?
Once you have finished the checkout process and entered payment details, your order will be processed automatically, normally within minutes (on rare occasions, it may take a little longer). Once completed, you will be notified via email with instructions on how to download and install the software.
📄️ What are the suggested settings to use billboards in my scenes?
It depends on the renderer. These are some tips:
📄️ What are the recommended settings to use high-poly 3D trees and render complex scenes with ForestPack ?
ForestPack includes native geometric shaders for the renderers listed below, making it possible to render scenes with
📄️ Rendering artifacts in Mental Ray
📄️ As soon as I use ForestPack with Civil View elements, Mental Ray Max crashes, what is the problem ?