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Can I Use Bercon Gradient, Multi-Texture or CrossMap with RailClone


I would like to create some texture variation using Bercon Gradient, Multi-Texture or CrossMap. Is this possible?


Yes! Because RailClone can randomise Material IDs, it's possible to use all 3 of these plugins with RailClone.

Using Bercon Gradient and MultTexture

Bercon Gradient and MultTexture

This works pretty well provided you want all the segments in a RailClone object to have randomised textures. It's less successful if you need to add variety to only a single segment in a multipart object. The basic procedure is as follows:

  1. Create a Style with a new segment to take the randomised texture.

  2. Wire the segment to a Material node and set it to Randomise. The Rangechosen will determine the number of variations.

    Randomise Material ID

  3. Create a new material and apply a Bercon Gradient or Multi-Texture map. For Bercon Gradient set the Type to Random and make sure the Randomise by Type is set to Material ID

    Bercon Gradient Random

    Multi-Texture Random

    For MultiTexture, set Randomise By type to Material ID

    Multi-Texture Vray


Alternatively you can use VizPark's Crossmap quite successfully with RailClone. This is very easy to use.

  1. Use Material IDs and create a multi/sub object material for each segment as normal

    Multi/Sub Object Material

  2. Then use the CrossMap plugin for the material you wish to randomise ensuring you set the Image Distribution settings to V-Ray Instance.

    Crossmap Settings

  3. Despite the name, this seems to work for Mental Ray too!

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