3DS Max 2021 was just released, when will it be supported by ForestPack and/or RailClone?
3DS Max 2021 was just released, when will it be supported by ForestPack and/or RailClone?
We will shortly release an official installer for Max 2021, but if you're eager to try out the latest version of Max then you can already install the current version of ForestPack and RailClone by following these steps.
Run the installer and proceed as normal .
On the Installation Typescreen, make sure you select Advanced Installation
Click Next and continue until you get to the Choose Components screen, uncheck all the plugins except the one for Max 2020.
Continue until you reach the "Install Location" option for Max 2020. Click on Browse and choose the root folder of 3ds Max 2021.
Click Next to complete the installation.
You are now ready to use ForestPack and/or RailClone in 3ds Max 2021!
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