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Forest 4.1 and above: XRef error loading scenes that uses 4.0 Presets


When using Forest 4.1 you get an error loading 4.0 presets


In Forest 4.1 and above we changed the format of Library Presets, modifying the scale of some elements and moving all materials to a library. If you have scenes that uses Presets from Forest 4.0 in XRef mode, you will get a XRef error opening them with 4.1, because the XRef'd scene has changed . Use the following procedure to fix it:

  1. Reinstall ForestPack Pro 4.0.3 (you can get it from Client Area->Previous versions).
  2. Make a copy of C:\Program Files (x86)\Itoo Software\Forest Pack Pro\lib\Presets to a separate folder (i.e. to C:\fp40presets).
  3. Reinstall ForestPack Pro 4.1.
  4. Open the scene. In the "Missing XRefs" dialog message, click "Browse" button.
  5. Click "Add". Select the folder c:\fp40presets, and turn on the "Add subpaths" checkbox.
  6. You can remove the "thumbnails" folders from the paths, they are not needed.

Optionally, you can remove the XRef references, merging the Presets in the scene. In the following way:

  1. Open Main Menu->References->XRef Objects.
  2. Select the Preset scenes (as fp_standard_common_grass01.max)
  3. Click "Merge in Scene".

Starting from Forest 4.2, XRef mode is disabled for Presets, so they are always merged in the scene

remove the XRef references megein in the scene

Configure XRef paths

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