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License Manager

When you install any ITOOSOFT commercial product, the installer also includes the ITOOSOFT License Manager. This tool is used to manage the licenses of your purchased software.

Installation Procedure

Installing the License Server

To be able to use network licenses, a computer in the network must be designated as the license server. Once you have selected it:

  1. First make sure that your have administrative rights on the target computer.
  2. Download the License Server software from UserPanel
  3. Run the setup program and follow the steps.

The License Server will be installed as a system service named "ITOOSOFT License Server". A shortcut to the License Manager is also created on the start menu.

Installing the License Manager

You must use this tool to manage the licenses of all products purchased. It's the same one used to manage the Stand-alone licenses.To use it, select the License Manager in the Itoo Software / License Server group of the Start menu. There are four tabs in this tool, two of them are only available if you have a license server installed:

  • Licenses: On this page the licenses are listed and managed
  • Computers (only with License Server installed): Here you can see which computers are connected and manage them.
  • License Server: (only with License Server installed) On this page, the system administrator controls the License Server. You can check the status of the service, start and stop it.
  • About: Here you can find information version and contact information.

To open the License Manager, select "License Manager" in the "Itoo Software" group of the Start menu. There are four tabs in this tool, two of them are only visible if your computer acts as a license server (not applied for Stand-alone method, see Floating/Network licenses):


When opened, the License Manager displays the installed licenses. You can retrieve license details, check its status, activate it, or add new licenses as shown below:

License Manager application with licensesLicense Manager: Licenses tap

Licenses can appear in different states, depending on the type of license and its activation status:

  • Activated Stand-alone licenses: These licenses are ready to be used, but only in the computer where are install. These licenses are not used by the License Server (see Stand-alone license ).

  • Activated Network Licenses: these licenses are activated are ready to be shared on the network (see Network license ).

  • Un-activated licenses: Yellow text with a warning icon and Activation show Non Active, these licenses are valid but have not yet been activated. You must activate them before using.

  • Broken licenses: Yellow text with a warning icon and Type is Broken. These licenses have corrupted data and can't be used in any form. They must be reinstalled.

For more information about a license, you can click on the "Details..." button, where you can see the data stored in the license.


In the "Computers" panel, you can see all clients that are connected to the server, what licenses are being used and how long each computer has been connected.

If you do not have network licenses this tab will remain empty.

Computer listed in the Licenses Manager computers TapLicense Manager: Computers tap

Each time that a workstation uses a network license, it connects to the License Server and starts a lease of the license for a limited time period. Before that period expires (by default ten minutes), the license must be refreshed or the lease will be lost and the license can be requested by another user.

Using the Disconnect button you can force the server to disconnect a computer before the lease time expires. The typical use of this control is when a workstation has locked up, and it's license is locked to that computer. In this case, you can unlock the license by manually forcing a disconnection. If a workstation doesn't reply after the lease time period, it is disconnected automatically by the server.

License Server

On the "License Server" page, you can check the status of the service, start and stop it. A detailed log of the server activity is also available, to diagnose any problems.

License manager server Tab informationLicense Manager: License Server tap

The top panel shows information about the Windows service, whether it's installed correctly and if the service is started. Using the Start/Stop Server button you can stop the service and restart it at any time.


Please note that if you stop the service, all connected clients will lose their leased licenses and will try to reconnect.

The bottom panels gives you more detailed information about the service, such as the server version, TCP ports used and the total number of connected users. This data is updated each time you enter this tab, or by clicking the Refresh button.

Install new Licenses

When you acquire licenses from ITOOSOFT, in the e-mail you get the license code, as a block of letters and numbers. If you have not installed a license with the software installation process or you are add additional license, use the "Add" button on the Licenses tab. Copy and paste the code in the window. Please be sure that you do not include any text other than the code itself:

License manager add license code

If the entered code is valid, press Ok. The license is installed on your computer and ready to be activated.

License Activation

Activating a license links it to your specific hardware configuration. Significant hardware or software changes (e.g., operating system updates, BIOS modifications) will require license reactivation.