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Comparison between ForestPack Lite and Pro

Currently, two versions are available: ForestPack Lite and ForestPack Pro. ForestPack Lite is free for any project, personal or commercial. However, some features are disabled and only available in ForestPack Pro.

ForestPack Lite

This version is free for personal and commercial use for an unlimited period of time. It is fully functional with some limitations listed below. You can get it from the Download page.

ForestPack Pro

ForestPack Pro has advanced features for surfaces, tree placement and importing/exporting tools. Also, it includes a full library of planar trees and shrubs that you can edit it and add your own trees and textures. Visit our Online Store for more information about prices and license options.

Feature list

Native shaders for Arnold
Native shaders for VRay
Billboards optimization
Random tint by item
Tint by element (as leaves on a tree)
Unlimited types of plants by object
Up to three types of plants by object
Unlimited areas by object
Up to four areas by object
Scattering over uneven surfaces
Diversity / Clusters
Custom Edit mode, to edit items individually
Distribution of items along a path
Real-time camera clipping
Points-cloud viewport mode
Random transformation of position, rotation and scale
Full Animation support, including multiple random samples
Collision checking
Effects Browser and built in effects
Load and edit 3rd party effects
Create, save and share new effects
Library browser
Library editor
More than 100 library items, including billboards, 3D models and Presets
Real time status window
User presets
Creation tools
Forest tools
Conversion to editable Mesh
Other BenefitsLitePro
Prioritized technical support
Early access to beta versions
Frequently patches and releases