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Tutorials and Reference

For a quick introduction to the capabilities of the plugin, you can watch the introduction to the getting started with ForestPack tutorial - it's a great introduction to the plugin that shows how to use 3D high-poly trees in an architectural environment, and it can be completed with Forest Lite.

Next, we suggest you continue with the Modern Barn tutorial. Completing it, you will learn to use most of the software options, from areas splines area to advanced materials. It's a little old now and uses the V-Ray renderer but nearly all the principles will apply to the latest versions of Forest Pack and any other engine. It includes five parts with nearly 90 minutes of video in total!

Finally, Autumn Parks will get you quickly acquainted with Forest Colour. If you want more than you'll find many more tips and tricks videos in our tutorials section. They're regularly updated so check regularly!

Getting Started with ForestPack LiteTree Lined CanalModerns BarnsAutumn Park

3DGarden plant models

If you have purchased some 3DGarden libraries, the following tutorial will help you to integrate the models in the library browser.