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Tint by Object


Tint by Object allows you to control the tint of a Forest Colour map based on the item's distance from an object. To use it:

  1. Make sure the source objects have a material that uses a Forest Colour map.

  2. The Forest Colour map must have override turned Off in order to be controlled by an expression.

  3. In the Materials rollout the Random Strength value is still applicable - for the tint to work fully set the start and end to 100%. Use different values if you'd like to retain some randomisation.

  4. Forest colour can be used as a sub-map. For example, the example code below is blending between black and white based on distance and the Forest colour map is then being used in the Mix Amount slot of a Mix map.

    Using Forest Colour map for tint object.

    Colorful Tint by object distance to item

Effect Script

vector v = Lookat.Position - fpItem.Position;
real tintStrength = easein(length(v),tintFalloff,0,0,1);
fpItem.tintColor = [tintStrength,tintStrength,tintStrength];

You can find this Effect within the Forest Effects Library.

This Effect Uses


  • lookAt

    Type: Object

  • tintFalloff

    Type: Scene Units


  • fpItem.position

    Minimum Z rotation as set in the Transform rollout.

  • fpItem.tintColor

    Maximum Z rotation as set in the Transform rollout.


  • easeIn(x,x1,x2,y1,y2)

    Returns an ease-in interpolation between y1 and y2. Returns y1 when x < x1.

  • length(v)

    The length of v.