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Look at Boundary with Falloff


Look at Boundary with Falloff allows you to rotate items to look at the nearest Include spline's boundary edge with additional controls to specify a falloff range so that only items within a certain distance of the edge are affected. To use it.

  1. Make sure you use Splines as include areas (can be used in combination with surfaces).

  2. Use the Effects > distanceToEdge parameter to specify the falloff for the look-at effect.

    Boundary with falloff detail

Effect Script

vector v = fpItem.areaIncNearest - fpItem.Position;
fpItem.rotation.z = easein(fpItem.areaIncDistance,DistanceToEdge,0,fpItem.rotation.z, -atan2(v.x, v.y));

You can find this Effect within the Forest Effects Library.

This Effect Uses


  • distanceToEdge

    Type: Scene Units


  • fpItem.position

    Minimum Z rotation as set in the Transform rollout.

  • fpItem.areaIncNearest

    Position of the nearest point of include areas (splines only)

  • fpItem.areaIncDistance listance to nearest include area

  • fpItem.rotation.z

    Rotation of Forest Item on Z axis in local coordinates.


  • easeIn(x,x1,x2,y1,y2)

    Returns an ease-in interpolation between y1 and y2. Returns y1 when x < x1.

  • atan2(x,y)

    Returns the principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, expressed in radians