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allow you to read and edit the properties of ForestPack to create sophisticated new effects.

The list below is also replicated in the Effects editor for easy access.

Read/write ForestPack item attributes

The attributes below can be both read and edited. These important attributes represent all the aspects of a scattered item that can be controlled using Forest Effects.

fpItem.positionPosition of Forest Item in local coordinatesVectorYes
fpItem.rotationRotation of Forest Item in local coordinates (expressed in radians)VectorYes
fpItem.xrotaxisRotation of Forest Item expressed as a system of 3 vectors (X component)VectorYes
fpItem.xrotaxisRotation of Forest Item expressed as a system of 3 vectors (Y component)VectorYes
fpItem.xrotaxisRotation of Forest Item expressed as a system of 3 vectors (Z component)VectorYes
fpItem.scaleScale of Forest Item in local coordinatesVectorYes
fpItem.visibleSet this to zero to hide the item from distributionIntegerYes
fpItem.geomIDIndex in the Geometry List, starting at zeroIntegerYes
fpItem,tintColorTint color (R,G,B)VectorYes
fpItem.tintMultiTint Multiplier (0.0 to 1.0)FloatYes
fpItem.animSampleAnimation Sample index (zero based)IntegerYes
fpItem.surfDirectionDirection on Surface (-100 to 100)IntegerYes
fpItem.randTransMinRandom translation minimum range (X,Y,Z)VectorYes
fpItem.randTransMaxRandom translation maximum range (X,Y,Z)VectorYes
fpItem.randRotMinRandom rotation minimum range (X,Y,Z)VectorYes
fpItem.randRotMaxRandom rotation maximum range (X,Y,Z)VectorYes
fpItem.randScaleMinRandom scale minimum range (X,Y,Z)VectorYes
fpItem.randScaleMaxRandom scale maximum range (X,Y,Z)VectorYes

Read-only ForestPack item attributes

The attributes below are read only and cannot be edited using Forest Effects. You can however use them to create expressions that manipulate the values of attributes detailed in the list shown above.

fpItem.geomColorColor ID in the Geometry List (R,G,B)VectorNo
fpItem.userIDGeneric value which can be assigned from Tree EditorIntegerNo
fpItem.geomProbabilityProbability value in the Geometry ListFloatNo
fpItem.distXPixelX pixel index in the Distribution Map (Generate mode only)FloatNo
fpItem.distYPixelY pixel index in the Distribution Map (Generate mode only)FloatNo
fpItem.distXTileX Tile index in the Distribution Map (Generate mode only)FloatNo
fpItem.distXTileY Tile index in the Distribution Map (Generate mode only)FloatNo
fpItem.distUVWUVW Coordinates for Distribution Map (using Surfaces only)VectorNo
fpItem.distPathPosNormalized position of item on path (Distribution by Path only)RealNo
fpItem.distPathTangentTangent vector of path on item position (Distribution by Path only)RealNo
fpItem.collisionRadiusRadius of the virtual sphere used for Collisions checkingFloatNo
fpItem.collisionHeightHeight of the virtual sphere used for Collisions checkingFloatNo
fpItem.mirror1 if item is mirrored, 0 if notIntegerNo
fpItem,animOffsetAnimation Offset (in ticks, 4800 ticks per second)IntegerNo
fpItem.animNumSamplesNumber of animation samples (as defined in Animation rollout)IntegerNo
fpItem.surfNormalNormal to SurfaceVectorNo
fpItem.surfSlopeSlope angle on SurfaceRealNo
fpItem.areaIncDistanceDistance to nearest include areaRealNo
fpItem.areaIncNearestPosition of the nearest point of include areas (splines only)VectorNo
fpItem.areaExcDistanceDistance to nearest exclude areaRealNo
fpItem.areaExcNearestPosition of the nearest point of exclude areas (splines only)VectorNo
fpItem.areaFalloffScaleScale factor applied to the item due to Areas->FalloffVectorNo
fpItem.particleAgeParticle Age in ticks (only for For Particle Flow distributionsIntegerNo
fpItem.particleRotationParticle rotation defined by incremental rotations in world axes XYZ (in radians)VectorNo
fpItem.particleScaleParticle scale (only for Particle Flow distributions)VectorNo
fpItem.particleSpeedParticle Speed (only for Particle Flow distributions)VectorNo
fpItem.particleEventIDNumeric ID generated from the Event's name in a PFlow distribution (i.e. 'PF Source 01->Event 02' get ID = 2)IntegerNo

Read-only Max attributes

The list below details the attributes of Max that have been exposed if Forest Effects.

max.timeCurrent animation time (in ticks, 4800 ticks per second)IntegerNo