General Rollout
The general rollout it used to access the library where you can load one of the many high-quality presets that ship with the plugin. You can also change the seed value to get different randomised variations and see statistics about the number or branches, leaves, calculations times and more so that you can optimise your plants.

Use this button to launch the ForestPack library browser and load a Climbing Plant preset. See the previous section for a short introduction on how use this feature, or visit the Forest Library section of the documentation for more detailed information. Forest Library
Random Seed
Change these value to generate new random values for the growth algorithm, Changing this will give you many different variations for your plants.
Displays the statistics for the current plant.
- Branches The number of branch sections in the current plant.
- Leaves The number of leaves in the current plant
- Build Time The total time taken to build and generate the current plant
- Growing The time taken to calculate the growth of the current plant, excluding generating mesh data.
- Mesh The time taken to generate branch mesh and instantiate or build the leaves for the current plant.