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All Changelog

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Forest Pack Pro and Lite 5.3.0 is now available. This update adds support for V-Ray 3.5 including IPR rendering and Forest Color compatibity with V-Ray RT GPU in addition to several important fixes and improvements.

RailClone 2.7.4 is out now! This maintenance update Includes several fixes and improves the workflow when updating multiple RailClone objects from the Library or using Copy Style operations.

We are delighted to announce the release of Forest Pack 5 with a host of brand-new features and fixes to improve speed, increase usability and make the plugin more flexible than ever. For a taste of what's new, check out the comprehensive release notes and demo reel below.

We are delighted to announce the release of RailClone 2.6 with a host of brand new features and fixes to improve speed, increase usability and make the plugin more flexible than ever.