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RailClone 6.3

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of RailClone 6.3. Discover all the changes below.


  • Added support for 3DS Max 2025.
  • Added button to open License Manager from General rollup.
  • Improved license dialogs, including link to documentation and button to open License Manager.
  • Fixed: Library Browser shows only one item by row.
  • Added tooltips to the toolbar buttons.
  • Added icon to Library Browser.


  • Fixed erratic behaviour of 3DS Max after using Instantiate tool from Maxscript.
  • Fixed: Delete command stops working after certain operations with RCSpline modifier.
  • Fixed: Segment may become 'embedded' when source object is renamed in the scene.
  • Fixed crash when MaxToA package (Arnold) is not installed.
  • Fixed missing clicks on Forest Lister buttons.
  • Fixed multiple registry entries at HKCU->Railclone->Style Editor.
  • Fixed: Library Browser rebuilds thumbnails every time browser it is opened.
  • Fixed crash on 3DS Max close if Library Browser is opened without using any RailClone object.
  • Fixed crash rendering Alembic proxies with motion blur in V-Ray.