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RailClone 6.1.6

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of RailClone 6.1.6. Discover all the changes below.


  • Fixed error rendering with Redshift (it would affect to other render engines as well).
  • Fixed: in some cases nested RailClone don't generate any geometry.
  • Fixed: changes on scene objects (as modifying pivot) which are assigned to multiple segments, are reflected only in one of them.
  • Fixed: Modifying the Pivot Point of a RCSlice doesn't affect all slices.
    • On existing scenes, it may be required to reassign the RCSlice object to each Segment.
  • Fixed: Selector Operator doesn't select the corresponding Segment based on the Y Spline Marker ID value.
  • Improved performance of Library Browser, when loading multiple items using same material library.
  • Several improvements to the process of loading and resizing thumbnails in the Library Browser.