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RailClone 5.0.0

Major improvements in Version 5 include new banking controls that allow you to twist and corkscrew the geometry around the spline; the ability to distribute lights, VDBs and other non-geometric objects; and a brand new caching system that allows you to bake a RailClone object to the scene or an external file.

There are also significant improvements to markers, the ability to lock evenly divisions to odd or even values, drop-down parameter lists, improvements to clipping splines, new options for limiting by materials IDs, plus lots more.

Version 5 is now more optimised, more versatile, and more essential than ever before.

New Features

  • Added Display->Proxy Cache mode. This new feature allows you to bake a RailClone object into the scene or an external file. Baked objects load and render much faster because RailClone doesn't need to perform so many calculations to rebuild them. This is especially useful for complex styles.

    • The viewport display is limited to Boxes or Quick Mesh depending on the mode that was active when the proxy was created. Note that this does not affect the render.
      • 'Use Segment Material' and non-geometric objects are supported in Embedded mode only.
      • Results may vary depending on the render engine that was active when the cache was baked. If you change the renderer, we suggest regenerating the Proxy.
      • Proxy Cache can be managed from Maxscript using $.setProxyMode [mode] [externalFile].
    • For Disabled, use $.setProxyMode 0 "". It returns an empty string.
    • For Embedded, use $.setProxyMode 1 "". It returns a proxy's size.
    • For External, use $.setProxyMode 2 "proxyFileName.rcproxy". It creates and saves the proxy (overriding the file if it exists), and returns a description error when failed.
      • To use a Proxy Cache as a segment in another RailClone object you must disable Display > Use Instancing Engine before enabling the cache.
      • A baked object cannot be modified or edited. When you want to change it, just set Proxy mode back to 'Disable', make any changes, and then bake it again.
      • The size of Proxy Cache depends on the object's complexity, including the number of segments and their geometry. You can see the current proxy size in the Display rollout.
      • Added Proxy Cache mode to RailClone Lister.
    • For the first run, you must add it using the Lister 'Settings' button.
  • Added experimental support for non-geometric objects (including lights).

    • Includes native support for instancing lights in V-Ray 2.1 and above
    • There is currently no native support for other renderers. As a workaround, objects are inserted in the scene before rendering and removed once completed.
    • The size of some non-geometric objects may not be reliably read by RailClone or it may change depending on the active viewport. If it affects your style, we recommend using the. Segment's Fixed Size feature.
    • Non-geometric segments are previewed in the viewport with a Material ID defined in the Display->"Non-geom Mat.ID" parameter
  • Added support for 3DS Max groups in Segments.

    • To assign a group, use Selector by Name (H on the keyboard). It's not possible to pick a group directly from the scene.
    • Groups cannot be 'embedded' within a RailClone object. When a Group is deleted from the scene, it's removed from RailClone as well.
  • Added a new type of Numeric Parameter called Selector.

    • This enables a parameter to be selected from a list of predefined items, which are shown in Max rollout using a combo list.
    • Each item has an associated float value, which is returned as the parameter's output. It can be cast as an integer as well.
  • Added modifier modes to Generator->Evenly->Adaptive: Even, Odd and Any

  • Added Banking control to RCSpline:

    • It lets you adjust the banking angle along the spline. Basically, it works as Generator->X Rotation, but at multiple spline positions.
    • Banking points can be adjusted interactively in the viewport, or by modifying their parameters in the rollout (Percent / Angle).
    • When using multiple RailClone Spline modifiers, the Banking modifier can be selected per generator using the Rules->Banking->Modifier settings. Setting the value to 0 disables banking.
    • The Banking Angle can be forced for a specific segment, using a Transform operator's new Deform->"Override Banking" parameter.
    • Banking Smoothness can be adjusted with the new Generator->Banking->Smoothness value. (0 = linear, 1 = smooth).
    • The angle can be any value (including greater than 360), but there is a limitation of -180/180 using the gizmo. You can overcome it by dragging the gizmo multiple times.
    • Added expression attribute 'XSplineXRotation': rotation angle along the spline for current segment (-PI to PI radians). Includes Generator->X Rotation and banking.
    • Added XSplineXDirection, XSplineYDirection, XSplineZDirection attributes to expressions. Return direction vectors along the spline for the current segment. Includes Generator->"X Rotation" and Banking.
    • "Always Show Markers/Banking" option in RCSpline.keeps gizmos visible when the spline is selected
  • Compatible with Arnold Render 7

    • When RailClone is not compatible with the current Arnold version, a warning message will be displayed.


      Previous Arnold versions are no longer supported. You can upgrade to the latest release from here (Arnold for 3DS Max)


  • Generator->"Limit by Material ID" now is a text input, accepting single values, ranges and multiple entries separated by commas. For example: "1,3,5-8".
  • Added full support for non-ascii characters (such as Chinese).
  • Improved slicing accuracy for Segments placed near edges of a Clipping Area.
  • RCSpline now remembers the 'Type' of the selected item when adding new elements.
  • Vertex Weld is removed.
    • This feature was introduced in the initial RailClone releases. It no longer has any sense, because is not efficient with complex styles and breaks instancing.
    • If needed, use a standard Weld modifier instead.
  • Added Segment->Deform->"Force Instance". When enabled, a Segment is always instanced on rendering.
    • Instanced segments cannot be bent or sliced, and Z Deform is restricted as well
  • Improved tangent alignment on curved splines (i.e for radial arrays).
  • When using Groups/Nested Generators and Slice is disabled, clipping is applied to the full group, instead of to each individual segment.
  • Markers are evaluated for Clipping Splines. User Data is available for expressions in XMarkerData.
  • Fixed: Marker data always returns zero in expressions, when Generator parameters are evaluated. Marker Data can now be used for generator properties
  • Improved detection of planar splines in linear generator
  • Display->Max Segments/Faces can be set to 0 to disable all limits.
  • Improved result of 'print' command in Expressions (I.e. 'print XSplineLength' now returns the right value).
  • Added XSectionCounter/YSectionCounter to Arithmetic->Expression.
    • Counter of the current section on X/Y Spline. A section is the path between two Start, End, Corner, Evenly or Marker segments. Starts at 0.
  • Added XSectionNumber/YSectionNumber to Expressions.
    • The number of sections in the spline. A section is the path between two Start, End, Corner, Evenly or Marker segments.
    • Added Minimize/Maximize buttons to Style Editor.


  • Fixed: XEvenlyNumber always returns zero.
  • Fixed potential crash on RailClone Stats.
  • Fixed potential crashing bug using Display->"Quick Mesh" mode.
  • Fixed: Styles with multiple dependencies between Segments (as Exported Parameters linked to Exported Attributes), are not built correctly with Display->Update.
  • Fixed: RCSpline Data Sets are only available to the first spline in the Base Objects list.
  • Fixed: RCSpline User Data (Scene Units) not scaling correctly with System Unit change.
  • Fixed crash initializing plugin when RailClone registry key doesn't exist.
  • Fixed: Configuration Environment Variables aren't prioritized over HKLM / HKCU.
  • Fixed crash using "Clone Multiple" on empty Segments.
  • Fixed: Render nodes using "3dsmaxbatch.exe" (as Royal Render) cannot run without a license.
  • Improved position of new Markers/Banking points, when created interactively in the viewport
  • Fixed wrong Marker position on multiple generators limited by Material ID.
    • In RC4, spline sections that don't match the material ID were deleted from spline, causing this issue. Instead, in RC5 these spline sections are just skipped in the RailClone construction.
    • Please note this can generate different result with Expressions using spline attributes (as XSplineLength), or other features.
  • Fixed Sequence operator in Evenly input when used with Null segments.
  • Fixed crash rendering with Arnold and Display->Proxy Cache enabled.
  • Fixed freeze after the first frame, when rendering multiple frames in Arnold.
  • Fixed: In rare cases, segments generated by RailClone Tools->Instantiate are not in their correct position.
  • Fixed: Empty Transform operator doesn't behave as an empty segment for Evenly/Marker.
  • Fixed: In some specific styles, Vertical/Stepped segments are not vertically straight.
  • Fixed issues with Macros and animated Base Objects/Segments.
  • Fixed crash loading scene on Chinese localized Windows.
  • Fixed: Segment->Deform->Flat mode doesn't work on Arrays.
  • Fixed: When using Y Offset, RCSpline->Markers->Spline number is ignored, using always zero.
  • Fixed: When editing Segment/Parameter name, the cursor jumps to the end.
  • Fixed: SegmentXRole/SegmentYRole attributes are not correct for the initial Corner segment in Top/Bottom row of Arrays, when used on closed splines.
  • Fixed: Selector->"X Spline Marker ID" returns value incremented by one. Same for Y Marker.
  • Fixed UVW issues on sliced segments when using Segment Mapping and nested generators.
  • Fixed: XEvenlyNumber always returns zero.
  • Fixed: Flat Top/Bottom not working correctly with rotated segments and nested generators.
  • Fixed lag renaming Segments/Base Objects/Parameters in Style Editor (a rebuild was triggered for each character change).