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ForestPack 7.1.1

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of ForestPack 7.1.1. Below, discover all the changes.


  • Fixed crash editing items in Custom Edit mode while interactive render is running, and Display mode is set to Proxy.
    • This fixes the crash, but we encourage to not modify Forest objects while Interactive Render is active. It may lead to instabilities and problems.
  • Fixed updating of camera clipping in Backburner render.
  • Fixed crash when network license server port is empty.
  • Fixed: Ocasionally Max 2022 doesn't initialize plugin rollups correctly.
  • Fixed crash of Camera clipping with Exclude Areas of Forest objects in Custom Edit mode.
  • Fixed: ActiveShade mode blocks the sub-object level.
  • Fixed rare crash scattering objects with slow or complex modifiers.
    • Anyway, when possible we suggest to not apply modifiers in objects used by Forest, and collapse them to editable mesh. That should result in better performance and stability.