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Forest Pack 7.1.0

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of Forest Pack 7.1.0. Below, discover all the changes.

New Features

  • Added support for 3DS Max 2022.
  • Added mode selector to Camera->"Enable on Viewport / IR".
    • It lets you choose what type of views trigger an update: Camera, Camera/Perspective or All Views.
    • This selector is global to all Forest objects, and saved with the configuration forestpack.ini, not with the scene.
    • Regardless of this option, standard render (not Interactive Render) always uses Perspective/Camera views for "Limit to Visibility".


  • When Interactive Render is locked to a specific viewport, Camera->Viewport updates are locked to that view.
  • Library Browser->Zoom value is stored in user's settings.


  • Fixed exportation to .vrscene of animated cameras when using "Limit to Visibility".
    • Besides the fix, this issue requires a V-Ray update. If it's not available, as workaround turn on Camera->"Enable on Viewport", before exporting.
  • Fixed: Camera->"Limit to Visibility" with animated cameras is not properly updated on render nodes, when rendering with Scanine.
  • Fixed crash of Distribution->Path mode with splines which include empty sub-splines (without any vertex).
  • Fixed crash with Interactive Render when items are not displayed on viewport ('F' icon is shown), but items are properly generated for render.