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Forest Pack 7.0.6

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of Forest Pack 7.0.6. Below, discover all the changes.


  • Fixed several issues loading items from Library Browser.

  • Fixed small margins editing Catalog names in the Library Browser.

  • Fixed: Scene Explorer is closed before rendering non-geometric objects with some renderers.


    Scene Explorer is closed yet with Max 2015 and before. This is a workaround to avoid a crash which may happen with old Max versions.

  • Distribution->Path / Reference Objects / Particle Flow parameters are not overwritten when loading Library presets.

  • Camera->"Limit to Visibility" is updated on viewport only for Camera views.

  • Fixed: Billboards are loaded with a wrong size from the Library Browser.

  • Library Browser is reloaded when Unit's scene change. This is needed to show correctly the billboard units.