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Forest Pack 6.2.1

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of Forest Pack 6.2.1. Below, discover all the changes.

New Features

Forest Pack 6.2.1

  • Added support for V-Ray 3.7.

  • Distribution->Reference by Node->Pivot copies the G-Buffer ID of the reference node in Forest Effects->fpItem.userID


    Because a Max limitation, Forest object is not updated when ID changes. You must rebuild manually from Display->Build→Update.

Forest Pack 6.2.0

  • Added support for 3DS Max 2020.


Forest Pack 6.2.1

  • Fixed crashing bug with Mental Ray.
  • Fixed: fpItem.tintMult is casted to integer when modified in Forest Effects.
  • Fixed: the process to collect all "maps" folders and add them to Customize->External Files is broken.
  • Fixed crash with Paint areas and huge coordinate values (i.e. using millimeters with large surfaces).

Forest Pack 6.2.0

  • Fixed location of Forest Effects for Lite version.