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Forest Pack 6.1.2

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of Forest Pack 6.1.2. Below, discover all the changes.

New Features

  • With Distribution->Path, Reference and Particle modes, it's possible to assign a Surface keeping the item's Z position.
    • To do it, turn off "Non Image modes->Link to Surface" in the Surface rollup.
    • This mode is useful to use the "Color by Texture" mode of Forest Color.


  • Distribution->Path Distance is set by default to 1 meter, regardless of the scene's unit.
  • "Surface->Custom Edit->Link to Surface" has been renamed to "Non Image->Link to Surface", since this parameter is used both in Custom Edit and Non-Image Distribution modes.
  • Tree Editor is renamed to Items Editor in Settings dialog.


  • Fixed: Items are not oriented correctly when using Distribution->PFlow->Align.
  • Fixed errors in Lister when there are duplicated object names.
  • Fixed: "Color by Texture" doesn't work in Custom Edit mode if "Surface->Link to Surface" is off.
  • Fixed crash using Forest as a XRef Object.
  • Fixed missing items when rendering Particle Flow distributions.
  • Fixed slowdown evaluating heavy models with displacement maps (as Maxtree models).