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ForestPack 6.1.1

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of ForestPack 6.1.1. Below, discover all the changes.


ForestPack 6.1.1

  • Fixed bug in Collisions checking.
  • Fixed rare bug which causes a continuous updating of the ForestPack object, when using animated splines and the time slider is not zero.
  • Fixed crash when applying a UVW Map modifier to the spline in Distribution->Path mode.
  • Fixed: multiple selection is lost after changing any parameter in the rollup.
  • Fixed: Density->Y Pixels is not greyed out when Lock Aspect ratio is checked.
  • Fixed updating issue when switching between Paint Areas and painter is enabled.

ForestPack 6.1.0

  • Fixed crash in some machines when plugin is loaded.
  • ITOOSOFT Toolbars (both Forest and RailClone) can be disabled adding the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Itoo Software\DisableToolbars = 1 (DWORD)