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RailClone 3.1.0

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of RailClone 3.1.0. Below, discover all the changes.

New Features

  • Added support for V-Ray Next beta 1 (experimental).
  • Added "Force Instances" to RailClone Tools.
    • When enabled, the Instantiate tool generates as many instances as possible, ignoring Material and UVW operators.
    • This option mimics the behaviour of RC Tools previous to v3.0.9.
  • Arrays generated from clipping areas use Mat.ID of spline for Selector, Conditional and Expressions nodes.
    • Note: ID is taken from the first spline's segment.


  • Improved text visibility of "Note" nodes, according to the background color.


  • Fixed: objects created with RC2 are not upgraded to RC3 when using XRef scenes.
    • This problem occurs in the main scene, not in the XRef'd one.
    • Once saved with RC3, failed objects cannot be fixed even loading them with this patch. To help with that, we added a Maxscript function to fix them manually. Just select one by one, and run: $.upgradeFromVersion(275)
  • Fixed bug with Clipping Areas when using Generator->Z Offset.
  • Fixed: "easeOut" function was wrongly named as "easeOn".
    • Please note that if you was using "easeOn" in your expressions, these must be changed manually.
  • Description of easing functions (easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut) is rewritten to a more descriptive text.
  • Fixed crash with V-Ray IPR.
  • Fixed: RailClone Tools doesn't apply material and UVW transformations when "Separated Meshes" is enabled.
  • Fixed: User toolbars using RailClone actions are reset when Max is loaded.
  • Fixed bug with Bevel Corners in A2S generators using a vertical Y spline.