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Forest Pack 5.3.0

Forest Pack Pro and Lite 5.3.0 is now available. This update adds support for V-Ray 3.5 including IPR rendering and Forest Color compatibity with V-Ray RT GPU in addition to several important fixes and improvements.

Forest Pack 5.3.0Forest Pack 5.3.0

New Features

  • Added support for V-Ray 3.5.
  • Added support for V-Ray 3.5 IPR mode. Several limitations are known:
  • Forest object is not visible in viewport while IPR is running (this will require major changes in the code and is postponed for a major release).
  • Camera clipping is not updated dynamically. To update it, click Display->Build or Build All.
  • Forest Lister: Added range selection clicking with Shift, and Select All/None buttons.
  • Added Forest Color support for V-Ray RT GPU (in collaboration with Chaos Group). Please see the video below for a demo of this new V-Ray 3.5 feature.


  • Library->Filter checks if text exists in any part of the item's name, not only at the start.


  • Fixed crash with missing VRayProxy assets.
  • Fixed crash rendering multiple frames in Corona Renderer, when using Custom Edit mode and camera clipping.
  • Fixed random issues with Editable Meshes in Max 2017, when used as Surfaces or objects.
  • Fixed geometry issues with VRay proxies using "Flip Axis".
  • Fixed empty entries in "Customize User Interface".