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Forest Pack 5.2.0

Forest Pack Pro and Lite 5.2 are now available. This update includes several important fixes and improvements.

Forest Pack 5.2.0Forest Pack 5.2.0

New Features

  • Added General->Log Level. Setting it to Normal/Debug, Forest generates extra information while rendering. Max log file is stored at: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\[max version]\ENU\Network\Max.log
  • Added log information when rendering with Mental Ray. Check it at "Rendering->Render Message Window", or in Backburner logs.
  • Added support for long paths in registry configuration values.


  • Improved Forest Effect to scatter items on displaced surfaces. The process is now simplified and surfaces can now be any shape before being displaced.
  • Custom Edit uses local axis of each item, instead axis of the Forest object.


  • Fixed bug which would create duplicate names with imported library objects (in 'forest_templates' layer).
  • Fixed warning error in Octane with disabled Forest objects.
  • Fixed Areas->Paint tool when using large brush on detailed areas.
  • Fixed bug updating first frame rendered by a node on Backburner jobs (Mental Ray only)
  • Fixed rare crash in V-Ray with Fake Shadows.
  • Fixed updating issue with Forest Edge.
  • Fixed crash on Max close.
  • Fixed errors in Corona material library.