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RailClone 2.7.0

We are pleased to announce the release of RailClone 2.7 Lite and Pro, introducing support for 3DS Max 2017 and V-Ray 3.4 plus many other fixes

RailClone 2.7.0

New Features

  • Added support for Max 2017.
  • Added option to customize Font Size for the Lister (see Options).
  • Actions of the Toolbar are available at "Customize User Interface" (within "RailClone" category).


  • Modified Library behaviour: when a style is loaded, all objects in the scene using that syle are updated. (see [Note 1])
  • "Copy Style" and Library updates retain value of parameters which has been modified by the user. (see [Note 1])
  • RailClone Lister is sorted by object's name.
  • Style->Thumbnail is updated on "Copy Style" operations.
  • All configuration keys defined at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE can be read alternatively from same branch at HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
    • This feature lets you to create custom installations using non-administrative accounts.

[Note 1]: This behaviour can be overrided from General->Options.


  • Fixed: No Geometry error if an empty segment (with size) is used as initial segment on a Sequencer or Conditional operator.
  • Fixed error with Points-cloud mode if RC object has not a material assigned.
  • Fixed invisible objects in V-ray when using VRayPhysicalCamera with motion blur or PhysicalCamera.
  • Fixed: Library load doesn't update current if style is used on scene in more than one object.
  • Fixed: Toolbar placed out of screen and not visible. (see [Note 2])
  • Fixed: Toolbar is not available after a Workspace change.
  • Fixed bug with Bevel and corner angles that are exactly 180 degrees.
  • Fixed incompleted segments with Bevel and Extend mode.
  • Fixed crash of Style Editor in Max 2011- 2012 64 bit.
  • Fixed colors in Points-cloud mode.
  • Fixed potential issue with Edit->Clone procedure.
  • Fixed: Style->Thumbnail and Description were not visible if Libraru Browser was not initialized.

[Note 2]: If toolbar is not visible even after this update, try removing the following file and restarting Max: C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\[your max version]\ENU\en-US\plugcfg\railclone_toolbar.ini