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Forest Pack 4.4.0

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of Forest Pack 4.4.0. Below, discover all the changes.

New Features

  • Added support for Max 2016 and V-Ray 3.2.
  • Areas->Edge/Size modes are properly affected by Geometry->Scale/Global Scale.


  • Forest Seed parameter and Forest Color map percentages are animatable.
  • Animation->time parameters are defined now as number of frames, instead time units. This solves a potential problem with Max 2016.


  • Fixed: Animation->time parameters are converted correctly in PAL mode.
  • Scene Explorers are closed before rendering with Mental Ray and restored once completed. This workaround fixes a rare crash of the Scene Explorer in Max 2015.
  • Fixed: Forest Material->Tint doesn't work with V-Ray 3.x.
  • Fixed memory leak in Mental Ray.
  • Fixed potential crash usign animated objects.
  • Fixed rare crash with Network licenses.
  • Fixed version checking in MR shader.