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RailClone 2.4.6

We are proud to announce the release of RailClone 2.4 Lite and Pro. In addition to a powerful new UVW Xform Operator to edit and randomise UVW coordinates; a Count mode to specify a fixed number of evenly rows and columns; the ability to add offsets to the start, end, top and bottom of generators; box mapping of multiple channels; plus many more features and fixes, this release also adds a number of improvements focused on usability

New Features

  • Added Style Description. Lets you to see at a glance a general description of the style, base objects and parameters.
    • Use Style Editor->Style->Edit Description to edit, and Style rollout->Help button to show description.
    • Added Maxscript functions to get/set Style Description: $.railclone.getStyleDesc(), $.railclone.setStyleDesc("my style")
  • Added UVW XForm operator to edit and randomise the tiling, offset and rotation of existing UVW map coordinates (see [Note 1])
    • UVW XForm->Random->Step Increment. Enables random values to increment in steps (for example rotation could be randomised between 0° and 360° in 90° steps).
  • Added Export Attributes. This feature enables the exporting of numeric values from nodes, for example the size of a Segment. To use it: select Segment->Right Click->Export Attributes.
  • Segment->Mapping accepts multiple map channels. Write them separated by spaces (see [Note 1])
  • Added Generator->Limits->Padding (Start/End for Linear, Left/Right/Top/Bottom for Arrays).
  • Added two modes for Generator->Rules->Evenly: Distance and Count. Distance works as before, and Count creates a fixed number of elements.
  • Added more exportable parameters to Segment and Transform nodes.
  • Added Clear all to Export Parameters and Attributes.
  • Added Segments Selector to Quad menu.
  • Added warning message to General->Stats to inform of features not compatible with instancing.

[Note 1] Segments using these features can be instanced only in V-Ray, though these operators can be used with all render engines and RailClone Tools when Display->Use Instancing Engine is off.

Style Editor

  • Multiple wiring support, selecting several nodes of the same type and dragging (e.g. to connect multiple Segments to a Randomize operator).
  • Added Segment->Right Menu->Clone Multiple. Clones a Segment multiple times, using objects from the scene as source.
  • Added result of Arithmetic->Expression on edit dialog.


  • Exportable Parameters and Attributes are sorted by category.
  • Improved conform to Surface for very large splines. Added parameter to define interpolation's step: Style->Geometry->Surface Interpolation (5cm by default).
  • Conditional->Vertex can be used with Default slot. It checks the latest vertex before the Default segment.
  • Display->Use Geometry Shader is renamed to Use Instancing Engine.
  • RailClone Tools->Instantiate copies User Properties, Object ID and wireframe color of the source object (when present).
  • Installer supports multiple Max versions.
  • Improved handling of multi threading. Also fixed rare crash on certain conditions.

Style Editor

  • Improved detection of hotspot for node wiring.
  • Style Editor can be placed at left side on multi-monitor configurations.
  • Randomize->Presence and Sequence->Counter parameters are available for exporting
  • Auto rename of Parameters and Base Objects on wiring.
  • Wires can be dragged directly over a node, connecting them to a default slot depending of the wire's type.
  • Dragging between nodes outputs swaps their links.
  • All nodes include an On/Off exportable parameter. This parameter is independent of the clickable On/Off state.
  • All boolean parameter are available for exporting.
  • Clipboard file (rcclip.dat) is stored in a temporary folder.


  • The following styles has been completely redone, using the new RailClone features and improved materials
    • Architecture->Exterior->Fences->Metal
    • Architecture->Exterior->Fences->Vinyl
    • Architecture->Interior->Railings
    • Civil Engineering->Pavements->Curbs
    • Civil Engineering->Pavements->Sidewalk


  • Fixed: nodes with multiple inputs were keeping empty slots after links deletion.
  • Fixed: added creation context menu for wires dragged from Clipping Area slots.
  • Fixed: Value of Random node was generated before evaluating its exported parameters.
  • Fixed bug of Evenly Segments when using Surface.
  • Materials are not longer XRef'd when Override Material is off in the Library item properties.
  • Fixed: Stepped segments are not instanced correctly on curved paths.
  • Fixed padding of initial segment on closed paths when Bevel is off.
  • Fixed behaviour of Generator->Adaptive/Scale/Count mode when using Transform operators.
  • Fixed trimming of Generator->Limits->Padding on offset paths.
  • Fixed updating of clipping areas when using nested RC objects.
  • Fixed size now works properly with Generator->Scale/Adaptive/Count modes.
  • Fixed behaviour of Fixed Size when Segment->Transform->Transform Affect Size is off.
  • Fixed: Generator->Limit by ID uses a wrong range ([0..n-1] instead [1..n]) when parameter is exported.
  • Fixed: in some cases the last segment of a linear generator would be skipped when using negative paddings.
  • Fixed rendering of RC objects with modifiers in Corona Renderer.
  • Fixed: Segment->Deform->Nest was applied always in V-Ray, regardless of the parameter value.
  • Removed wrong warning when connecting Arithmetic node to Segment->Exported Attributes.
  • Nodes with exported attributes are properly collapsed.
  • Fixed behaviour of Segment->Flat Top/Bottom when pivot is not aligned to bottom.
  • Fixed bug of Compose node when using Segment->Alignment different from Automatic.
  • Removed isolated vertices on Generator->Clipping process.
  • Fixed behaviour of Generator->Align to Path with Corner segments and closed splines.
  • Position of panels in Style Editor is saved and restored properly.
  • Fixed crash modifying objects assigned to a segment (Max 2010 and older).
  • Removed limits from Generator->Fillet Radius.
  • Vertex Color channel is generated only when needed.
  • A2S Generator->Clipping->Rotation Z now works in local coordinates.
  • Segments are updated when their referenced objects are converted to editable mesh.
  • Generator->Clipping deletes isolated vertices.
  • Fixed rare bug when using no Bend segments at Corners.
  • Fixed rare bug with empty segments see here for details.
  • Fixed potential crashing bug moving cursor on viewports while render (V-Ray and Max 2015 only).
  • Improved behaviour of Fixed Size with empty Segments.
  • Segment->Mapping is aligned correctly when applying random scale.
  • Clipping Area is properly updated when Generator is off.
  • Fixed bug that would disable Start/End segments when using Base Object->Start/End limits.
  • Fixed Style Editor disappearing problems on multi-monitor configurations