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RailClone 2.0.3

We're pleased to announce a major update of RailClone, our parametric modelling plugin for 3DS Max. In this update, the plugin has been rewritten from scratch, introducing significant improvements over RailClone 1.x.

New Features

  • Graphical Style Editor.
  • Multiple Generators by object.
  • Array generators, based on two splines or dimensions.
  • Multiple Base Objects (splines) by object.
  • Node Operators: Sequence, Randomize, Mirror, Arithmetic and others.
  • Selectable segments according to spline properties, using Conditional operator.
  • Segments by spline's material ID, using Generator->Limits or Conditional operator.
  • Random material mode is much more flexible, using the Material operator.
  • Area Clipping (include and exclude), using closed splines.
  • New display mode: Points-cloud.
  • Exported Parameters, lets you to parametrize models much more easily.
  • Added Stadium seats to the Library (Bleachers category).
  • Library items are improved for 2.x new features.
  • Added support for Max 2014.