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Forest Pack 4.0.3

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of Forest Pack 4.0.3. Below, discover all the changes.

New Features

  • When switching from Generate to Custom Edit, it is possible to exclude items hidden by Camera clipping.
  • Added Camera->Auto Assign to Active View->Apply to Look-At.


  • Rotating items on Custom Edit now uses the Max center mode (Pivot Point, Selection or Transform Coordinate Center).
  • Library Standard materials are simplified. Now grass presets can be used directly on Maxwell, or easily converted to other engines.
  • Camera->Auto Assign to Active View->Only Before rendering parameter is removed.


  • Fixed: Deleting thousands of items in Custom Edit mode was too slow.
  • Fixed: VRay exception in Forest Color when rendering animations.
  • Fixed: Rare error loading grouped items from the Library.
  • Fixed: Crashing bug when changing Geometry->Template.