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Forest Pack 4.0.2

New features, improvements and fixes in this new version of Forest Pack 4.0.2. Below, discover all the changes.

New Features

Forest Pack interface


  • Added native support for more render engines: VRayRT, Maxwell Render, Arion, Octane and Thea Render.
  • Added compatibility for Maxwell plugin 2.7.24. Note: This is now the lower version supported.
  • Maxwell render visibility flags are used.
  • Forest Color and other tint modes are not supported on the new engines.
  • Be sure your render software is upgraded to the latest version.
  • Support for these engines is experimental, please report any problem that you find.

Library Browser

  • Added 3D models of grass, flowers and stones.

  • Added Ready-to-use Presets. Some of them include two versions: detail (for small areas), and large (using clumps, optimized for large areas).


    All models of the library include materials for Scanline,Mental Ray and VRay, not for other engines.+ Added support for models organized in separate meshes or groups. Forest attachs all elements in a single mesh when importing.

  • Commonly used options have been moved to the main window: Material handling, Merge/XRef, etc.

  • Added render engine selector for libraries that support multiple materials.

  • Classic 2D Library is not installed by default. It is available from the installer as "Legacy Library".

Geometry List

  • Support for groups in Custom Objects.
  • This mode is useful to scatter groups of plants, preserving their composition. For example, sets of flowers or grass.
  • It works nicely used together Distribution->Diversity->Clusters.
  • Elements of a group are handled as individual items once scattered, both for the boundary checking and surface placement. This also has a great impact on the number of items generated, be care when scattering groups with many objects.
  • Don't use groups for objects that must be handled an unique object (for example a tree). In this case, use a single mesh as before.
  • Groups must be assigned using the name selector. Max doesn't support "pick" groups from the scene.
  • Added compatibility with Laubwerk Plants.
  • Added multi-select support. Now it is possible to edit or delete multiple items at once.
  • Added lock aspect ratio button to Geometry->Width/Height.
  • Geometry->Material is not longer a required parameter. If not defined, the material of the Custom Object is used.
  • Forest automaterials are generated using random names, to avoid duplicates.
  • Optimize Material works on the custom object material if Geometry List->Material is not defined.


  • Points-cloud now uses a simulated shading mode, to improve 3D look. Use the slider to define the shading factor.
  • Added global and local density parameters for Points-cloud.
  • Nested Forest objects (as clumps of grass) don't require to set anymore Render->Meshes mode (VRay and Mental Ray only)


  • Custom Look-at targets, independent of the Camera.


  • Added Density/Scale falloff curves by Slope.

Tree Editor

  • Added three creation modes: selection, random and sequence. These modes also works with the Creation Tools.
  • Added separate model selector for "Add Items".
  • Added Properties->SubItem. Defines the subitem index when the item belongs to a Group.


  • Transform->Store Values and Re-Seed are moved to Tree Editor->Properties. Re-Seed now works only over the selected items.
  • Class name is renamed from "Forest_Pro_3" to "Forest_Pro". Be care to modify your Forest scripts, if you have them.
  • Material->Fast Opacity is put back for compatibility with previous scenes (removed in 4.0.1)
  • Transform Rotation X/Y default value is set to -5/+5.
  • Increased default values for Distribution Map->Max.Density and Display->Render->Max.Items (20 Mill. and 1 Mill. respectively).
  • The Presets texture path is added to the Max configuration. Now Forest adds atomatically all paths listed in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Itoo Software\Forest Pack Pro\TexturePaths
  • 3D Models are properly loaded from the library in "Merge" mode, not as XRef.
  • ForestLite / ForestPro macros are available in Customize->Customize User Interface (for toolbars and others)


  • Fixed bug that would, in some cases, create continuous updating loops in Max.
  • Fixed materials of Wild Grass Presets
  • Fixed crash when the distribution map cannot be loaded.
  • Fixed: VRay proxies using non-ascii characters fail to load in Max 2013.
  • Fixed: Areas->Select Models works with Diversity->Match Color ID and Clusters.
  • Fixed: Updating issue when a Custom Object is converted to Editable Mesh.
  • Fixed: In some cases, render engine is not correctly identified when using F9 to render.
  • Fixed: Animation samples are not properly updated, when using random or maps.
  • Fixed minor issues of Optimize Material when using multi-subs.
  • Fixed: Forest auto-material would create empty materials in the multi-sub.
  • Fixed undo text in some procedures with areas.
  • Texture maps are not longer used to get color for Points-cloud, only material Diffuse color.
  • Fixed: Geometry List->Color ID is gamma corrected.
  • Fixed: Distribution Map was not visible to Asset Tracker in Max 2009 and older.