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Saving and Importing Effects Files

If you'd like to import a pre-built effect, or you've created one that you'd like to share with other users, then Forest Pack makes this process simple. Any effect, including its parameters, can be exported to an .eff file and distributed to colleagues or online. These files are small in "size" and can be easily shared. To import and export .eff files, follow the procedures described below.

To export an effect

  1. From the Effects rollout, click on the button to add a new empty effect and then click to Open the Effects Editor.
  2. Click to open the file selector.
  3. Enter a filename and click Save.

To import an effect

  1. From the Effects rollout, click on the button to add a new empty effect and then click to Open the Effects Editor.
  2. Click to open the file selector.
  3. Select a .eff file and click Open.

Imported effects will overwrite any code or parameters you already have in the effects' editor. A warning will be displayed to prevent accidentally losing work but be aware that the import process is not undoable.